南通曼冷克林贸易发展有限公司,其发展目标是成为国内优势的欧洲自动化仪器仪表,备品备件供应商。德国供应商就达300多家,应用领域包括钢厂、电厂、化工、汽车、机械、流体、自动控制等行业。ERP系统做单,可以提供订单全程查询。德国法兰克福仓库拼货,为客户节约了成本,提高了采购效率。我们直接与欧洲厂家联系,快捷,有效的沟通,提供**原装正品,真正做到了让客户服务满意,采购放心。 德国原装进口,优势价格供应,质量良好。 联系人:袁伟岸(先生) 联系电话: 固定电话:0513-81800476 Q E-mail:3518118385@ 公司地址:南通市海安县城东镇宁海南路269号曼冷克林贸易有限公司专业供应德国工控产品,备品备件,仪器仪表等。 1.总部位于德国,享受价格折扣,在市场上价格具备优势。 2.报价,发货及时。 3.产品可修可换,我公司与厂家直接沟通。 4.不易查找和小金额产品,我们同样供应。 5.凡德国工控产品,我们都可以为您询价并采购。 产品介绍: B.A.S.S. (Belgium’s-A-StaticScience) Onze Lieve Vrouwstraat 40 KBC BE47733008444080 B-2600 Berchem Tel.+32(0)3 230 19 75 K.v.K. 349.859 Belgium Fax +32(0)3 230 19 78 BE0509.935.334 VAT: BE0509935334 info@esdproducts.eu www.esdproducts.eu SilkRoad24 GmbH Miss Angelika Shy Weststr.6 38126 Braunschweig ? Germany Subject: quotation 201106-06 Our ref. Your ref. Berchem, BD/ESD 201106-06 V 13 Jun. 2011 Dear Miss. Shy, Following our personal service we are honored to be able to offer you the following quotation: ESD-Vacuum Cleaner: Reseller-price Vacuum Cleaner 1 ‐ 9 units 10 ‐ 24 units > 25 units M.555‐ESD‐S‐GS € 195,00 € 165,00 € 150,00 M.555‐ESD‐S‐E‐GS € 240,00 € 215,00 € 195,00 electronic M.555‐ESD‐S‐HEPA‐GS € 210,00 € 183,00 € 166,00 M.555‐ESD‐S‐E‐HEPA‐GS € 259,00 € 228,00 € 209,00 electronic CB Cable brackets + earth stud (pre‐fitted) € 15,00 555 EPA Blowvac Accessories M.PH‐722 Filterbagset (5 each/set) € 8,25 M.PH‐723 Filterbagset (10 each/set) € 16,20 M.PH‐724 Micromotor filter € 2,80 M.PH‐725 Micromotor filter € 3,75 M.PH‐726 Micromotor filter HEPA € 19,80 M.PH‐705 Medic‐air exit filter HEPA € 11,55 M.PH‐706‐ESD Air exit deflector € 7,85 M.PH‐707‐ESD Replacement hose assy € 23,50 M.PH‐708‐ESD Two part blow assy € 40,50 M.PH‐708L‐ESD Two part blow assy (long) € 52,00 M.PH‐709 Carrying bag € 15,00 E.3‐207‐0 EL ESD black case € 25,00 32 mm EPA BlowVac Accessories M.PHU‐04‐ESD Mini brush / nozzle set € 17,85 M.PHU‐05‐ESD Long thin bubber nozzle € 13,15 M.PHU‐07‐ESD PHU‐05‐ESD C/W brush head € 17,50 M.PHU‐08‐ESD PHU‐05‐ESD C/W brush head € 17,50 M.PHU‐09‐ESD PHU‐05‐ESD C/W brush head € 17,50 M.PHU‐11‐ESD D‐shape brush nozzle € 10,35 M.PHU‐12‐ESD D‐shape brush nozzle € 10,35 M.PHU‐16‐ESD Crevice nozzle C/W brush € 10,65 M.PHU‐18‐ESD Long extention hose assy € 35,00 M.PHU‐19‐ESD Extra long rubber nozzle € 18,75 M.PHU‐20‐ESD Long thick rubber nozzle € 16,00 M.PHU‐22‐ESD Small upholstery nozzle € 11,25 M.PHU‐23‐ESD Large upholstery nozzle € 18,70 M.PHU‐26‐ESD Bulck pick‐up rubber nozzle € 9,95 M.PHU‐27‐ESD Large Alu brush floor nozzle € 87,50 M.PHU‐28‐ESD Set (3x) mini extention rods € 41,25 Above attachments suit both vacuum & blower use This offer is valid for 2 months Prices are including Transport costs, excluding VAT. Delivery: 2 weeks after order confirmation Believing that we have made an attractive offer, we are always at your disposal for further information. Met vriendelijke groeten, Sincères salutations, Mit freundlichen Grü?en, with best regards, Bruno Depré