南通曼冷克林贸易发展有限公司,其发展目标是成为国内优势的欧洲自动化仪器仪表,备品备件供应商。德国供应商就达300多家,应用领域包括钢厂、电厂、化工、汽车、机械、流体、自动控制等行业。ERP系统做单,可以提供订单全程查询。德国法兰克福仓库拼货,为客户节约了成本,提高了采购效率。我们直接与欧洲厂家联系,快捷,有效的沟通,提供**原装正品,真正做到了让客户服务满意,采购放心。 德国原装进口,优势价格供应,质量良好。 联系人:袁伟岸(先生) 联系电话: 固定电话:0513-81800476 Q E-mail:3518118385@ 公司地址:南通市海安县城东镇宁海南路269号曼冷克林贸易有限公司专业供应德国工控产品,备品备件,仪器仪表等。 1.总部位于德国,享受价格折扣,在市场上价格具备优势。 2.报价,发货及时。 3.产品可修可换,我公司与厂家直接沟通。 4.不易查找和小金额产品,我们同样供应。 5.凡德国工控产品,我们都可以为您询价并采购。 产品介绍: mp and 10 at 2 a mp) 120V/240AC Power Supply. Battery (IC200ACC403) is required for dat a retention. Battery not included. Micro 20 24VDC IN/24VDC OUT, 24VDC P/S Micro 40 24VDC IN/24VDC OUT, 24VDC P/S VersaMax Micro 64 point PLC,(40) 24VDC In, (24) 24VDC source Out ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply. (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port. 14 point PLC,(8) 24VDC In, (6) 24VDC Out (2) 1.0 A, (4) 0.5A, 24VDC Po wer Supply 28 point PLC,(16) 24VDC In, (12) 24VDC Out (6) 1.0 A, (6) 0.5A, 24VDC Power Supply. Battery (IC200ACC403) is required for data retention. B attery not included. 14 point PLC,(8) 12VDC In, (6) 12VDC Out at 0.70 A, 12VDC Power Suppl y 28 point PLC,(16) 24VDC In, (12) 24VDC Out ESCP(2 at 1.0 amp and 10 at 0.70 amp), 24VDC Power Supply. Battery (IC200ACC403) is required for data retention. Battery not included. VersaMax Micro 64 point PLC,(40) 24VDC In, (24) 24VDC Sink Output, 24VDCpower supply. (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port. 28 point PLC,(16) 12VDC In, (12) 12VDC Out 0.70 A, 12VDC Power Supply . Battery (IC200ACC403) is required for data retention. Battery not i ncluded. Micro 20 24VDC IN/DC SINK OUT, DC PWRSUP Micro 40 24VDC IN/DC SINK OUT, DC PWRSUP 14 point PLC,(8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out,120V/240 AC Power Supply 14 point PLC,(8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply 14 point PLC, (8) 12VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 12VDC Power Supply 28 point PLC,(16) 24VDC In, (11) Relay Out, (1) 24VDC Out, 120V/240AC Power Supply. Battery (IC200ACC403) is required for data retention. B attery not included. 28 point PLC, (16) 12VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 12VDC Power Supply. Batt ery (IC200ACC403) is required for long term data rentntion and Real Ti me Clock. Battery not included. 28 point PLC,(16) 24VDC In, (11) Relay Out, (1) 24VDC Out, 24VDC Power Supply. Battery (IC200ACC403) is required for data retention. Batter y not included. Micro 20 24VDC IN/RELAY OUT,24VDC PWRSUP Micro 40 24VDC IN/RELAY OUT,24VDC PWRSUP VersaMax Micro 64 point PLC,(40) 24VDC In, (24) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply. (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port. Micro 20 24VDC IN/RELAY OUT,AC PWRSUP Micro 40 24VDC IN/RELAY OUT,AC PWRSUP VersaMax Micro 64 point PLC,(40) 24VDC In, (24) Relay Out, 115/240VAC Power Supply. (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port. VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point combination (4) 24VDC In, (4) 24VDC Output Source with ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501). VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point combination (4) 24VDC In, (4) 24VDC Outsink outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501). VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point combination (4) 24VDC In, (4) Relay Output, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501). VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point (8) 24VDC In, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501). VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 point Input (16) 24VDC In, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501). Micro 64 Ethernet module. The Ethernet module is compatible with SRTP and supports up to 4 connections. Module can also be configured for Modbus TCP (server) or Tunneling (pass through). VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 Output Expansion (8) 24VDC Outputs with ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 point (16) 24VDC Source ESCP Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 Output Expansion 24VDC Sink Output, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 Output Expansion (16) 24VDC Sink Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 Output Expansion (8) Relay Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 Output Expansion (16) Relay Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501). 14 point expansion. (8) 120VAC In, (6) Relay Out (2 at 10 amp and 4 a t 2 amp), 120/240VAC Power Supply. (includes IC200CBL501) 14 point expansion. (8) 120VAC In, (6) 120VAC Out, 120/240VAC Power S upply. (includes IC200CBL501) 14 point Exp.(8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 120V/240AC Power Supply (inc ludes IC200CBL501) 14 point Exp.(8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 14 point Exp.(8) 12VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 12VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 14 point Exp (8) 24VDC In, (6)24V DC Out, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 14 point Exp (8) 12VDC In, (6)12VDC Out, 12VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 14 point Exp (8) 24VDC In, (6)24V DC Out with ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 120VAC In, (12) Relay Out (2 @ 10 amp & 10 @ 2 amp), 120/240VAC Power Supply. (includes IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 24VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 120V/240AC Power S upply (includes IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 24VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply (included IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 12VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 12VDC Power Supply (included IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 24VDC In, (12) 24VDC Out, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 12VDC In, (12) 12 VDC Out, 12VDC Power Suppy (includes IC200CBL501) 28 point expansion. (16) 24VDC In, (12) 24VDC Out with ESCP, 24VDC Po wer Supply (includes IC200CBL501) 6 channel Analog expansion. (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog outputs, 1 2VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) VersaMax Micro 4 channel Analog input expansion. (4) Analog inputs, 24VDC Power Supply (*includes IC200CBL501) 6 channel Analog expansion. (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog Outputs, 2 4VDC Power Supply (*includes IC200CBL501) 6 channel Analog expansion. (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog outputs. 120/240 VAC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501) RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support. Channel update is 141/563 ms (selectable) for all channels RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support and 2 analog output voltage and current. RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support. Channel update is 141/563 ms (selectable) for all channels RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support and 2 analog output voltage and current. VersaMax Micro four channel Thermocouple/Millivolt expansion module VersaMax Micro four channel Thermocouple/Millivolt and two channel analog outputs expansion module VersaMax Micro 64, User Program Memory Module. Compatible with VersaMaxMicro 64 only. VersaMax MicroMotion, 2 independent axis, 24VDC powered VersaMax MicroMotion, 2 independent axis, 24VDC powered VersaMax MicroMotion, 2 independent axis, 120/240VAC powered VersaMax MicroMotion, 2 independent axis, 120/240VAC powered VersaMax Micro 64, RS-232 communications option board with (2) 0 - 10VDC analog input channels built-in. The option board also supports program storage memory module. Compatible with VersaMax Micro 64 only. VersaMax Micro 64, RS-485 communications option board with (2) 0 - 10VDCanalog input channels built-in. The option board also supports program storage memory module. Compatible with VersaMax Micro 64 only. VersaMax Micro 64, USB Slave communications option board. The option board also supports program storage memory module. Compatible with VersaMax Micro 64 only. AC Power Source, 6 AC in/4out (Relay 8 Amp), Expandable, no LCD/Keypad AC Power Source, (12) AC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), Expandable, with without LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (6) 24VDC in/(4) out (Transistor) , (2) analog inputs, Expandable, no LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/(8) out (Transistor) , (4) analog inputs, Expandable, without LCD/Keypad 24VDC Power Source, (6) 24VDC in /(4) out (Relay 8 Amp), (2) analog inputs, Expandable, no LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, Expandable, without LCD/Keypad Programming Cable, PC to Durus Controller PDA Transfer Cable AC Power Source, 6 AC in/4out (Relay 8 Amp), Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 24VAC Power Source, 8 24VAC in/4out (Relay 8 Amp), Expandable, with LCD/Keypad AC Power Source, (12) AC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (6) 24VDC in/(4) out (Transistor) , (2) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/(8) out (Transistor) , (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 24VDC Power Source, (6) 24VDC in /(4) out (Relay 8 Amp), (2) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 12VDC Power Source, (8) 12VDC in /(4) out (Relay 8 Amp), (2) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad 24V DC power source, 12 bit, 4 Analog input 2 channel analog out expansion (0 – 10VDC or 0 – 20mA) AC Power Source, (4) AC in/(4) out (Relay, 8 Amp) 8PT EXP24 ACVIN/RELYOUT DURUS 24V DC Power Source, (4) 24VDC in/(4) out (Transistor) 24V DC Power Source, (4) 24VDC in/(4) out (Relay, 8 Amp) DeviceNet slave communications expansion module, 24V DC power source Modbus RTU slave communications expansion module, 24V DC power source Profibus-DP slave communications expansion module, 24V DC power source 4 channel PT 100, 12bit,PT100 (-100℃~600℃) 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/(8) out (Transistor) , (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Support Modbus Slave on port. 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Support Modbus Slave on port. 12V DC Power Source, (12) 12VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. AC Power Source, 6 AC in/4out (Relay 8 Amp), Not Expandable and no LCD/Keypad AC Power Source, (12) AC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), Not Expandable, without LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (6) 24VDC in/(4) out (Transistor) , (2) analog inputs, Not Expandable no LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/(8) out (Transistor) , (4) analog inputs, not expandable, without LCD/Keypad 24VDC Power Source, (6) 24VDC in /(4) out (Relay 8 Amp), (2) analog inputs, Not Expandable, no LCD/Keypad 24V DC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, not expandable, without LCD/Keypad 10 point TLC-10 controller. AC Power Source, 6 AC in/4out (Relay 8 Amp), Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Kit includes programming software and cable. (IC646DUR101) 12 point TLC-12 controller. 24 VDC Power Source, (6) 24 VDC in /(4) out (Relay 8 Amp), (2) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Kit includes programming software and cable. (IC646DUR101) 20 point TLC-20 controller. 20 point AC Power Source, (12) AC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Kit includes programming software and cable. (IC646DUR101) 24 point TLC-24 controller. 24 point 24 VDC Power Source, (12) 24VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Kit includes programming software and cable. (IC646DUR101) 24 point TLC-24 controller. 24 point 24 VDC Power Source, (12) 24 VDC in/8 out (Relay, 8 Amp), (4) analog inputs, Expandable, with LCD/Keypad. Support Modbus Slave on port. Kit includes programming software and cable. (IC646DUR101) DURUS Memory Pack MODULE LABELS NARROW, QTY 10 MODULE LABELS WIDE, QTY 10 POINT LABELS NUMBERED 1-100 QTY 10 POINT LABELS BLANK QTY 1000 MODULE KEYING TABS QTY 100 MOTOR STARTER BRAKE MODULE DC MOTOR STARTER BRAKE MODULE AC/DC MOTOR STARTER POWER CONNECTOR MOTOR STARTER POWER BRIDGE MOTOR CIRCUIT CONNECTOR-QTY 10 RELAY MODULE ISOLATION SET ANALOG IN, 15 BIT, VOLTAGE/CURRENT, 2CH ANALOG IN,15 BIT, VOLTAGE/CURRENT, 8CH ANALOG IN, 12 BIT, 4CH, CURRENT 0-20mA 4-20mA, 250μs update, 2-wire connection, HD 12mm width ANALOG IN, 12 BIT, 4CH, VOLTAGE 0-10Volt +/-10V, 250μs update, 2-wire connection, HD 12mm width ANALOG OUT, 16 BIT, VOLTAGE/CURRENT, 1CH ANALOG OUT, 16 BIT, VOLTAGE, 1CH ANALOG OUT, 13 BIT VOLTAGE, 2CH ANALOG OUT, 12 BIT, 2CH, Voltage 0-10V +/-10V, Current 0-20mA 4-20mA +/-20mA, 2-wire connection, HD 12mm width ANALOG IN, 16 BIT RTD, 2CH ANALOG IN, 16 BIT THERMOUCOUPLE, 2CH VersaMax IP Modular Network Communication Module, Integration of VersaMax IP Modular IP67 I/O modules in a VersaPoint Station DEVICENET NETWORK INTERFACE UNIT (REQUIRES 1 IC220TBK201) Ethernet Network Interface Unit (REQUIRES 1 IC220TBK087) PROFINET VersaSafe Starter Kit HIGH SPEED COUNTER INPUT, 1IN/1OUT 24VDC ABSOLUTE ENCODER INPUT, 4IN/4OUT 24VDC INCREMENTAL ENCODER INPUT, 4IN/4OUT 24VDC PULSE OUTPUT, 2CH, 5/24 VDC, PWM (pulse width modulation), Frequency generator, Single shot, Pulse direction ** for stepper control. INPUT, THERMISTOR, 1 PT INPUT, THERMISTOR, 1 PT INPUT, 230VAC, 1 PT INPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC, 2PT INPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC, 4PT INPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC, 8PT INPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC, 16PT INPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC, 8PT, High Density 12mm width, Connection method 1-wire OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 2.0A, 2PT OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 0.5A, 2PT OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 0.5A, 4PT OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 0.5A, 8PT OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 0.5A, 16PT OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 0.5A, 8PT,Short-circuit and overload protected, High Density 12mm width, Connection method 1-wire OUTPUT, RELAY 3.0A, 1PT OUTPUT, RELAY 3.0A, 4PT Profibus DP V1 NIU for VersaPoint I/O PROFINET Scanner, 2 Copper Ports, with 8 Inputs and 4 Outputs, with MRP PROFINET Scanner, 2 Fiber Ports, with 8 Inputs and 4 Outputs, with MRP POWER TERMINAL, 24VDC POWER TERMINAL, FUSED 24VDC POWER TERMINAL, FUSED W/DIAG 24VDC SEGMENT TERMINAL, 24VDC SEGMENT TERMINAL, FUSED 24VDC SEGMENT TERMINAL, FUSED 24VDC W/DIAG SEGMENT TERMINAL, ELEC FUSED 24VDC POWER TERMINAL, 120VAC POWER TERMINAL, 230VAC POWER TERMINAL, UL power is amplified if max. UL load of the NIU is reached, e.g. in case of many safety modules VersaSafe Connector set (4 connectors) for active discharge for PSDI 8 module VersaSafe Connector set (4 connectors) for active discharge for PSDO 4/4 module VersaSafe Connector set (4 connectors) for active discharge for PSDO 8 and LPSDO 8 module SAFE INPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC, 8PT single channel, 4PT dual channel, SIL3 SAFE OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 2 A, 4PT Sink/ Source, SIL3 SAFE OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 2 A, 8PT single channel, 4PT dual channel, SIL3 SAFE OUTPUT, RELAY 4A, 4PT, with 2 contacts each, SIL3 SAFETY LOGIC MODUL, SAFE OUTPUT, 24VDC POSITIVE LOGIC 2 A, 8PT single channel, 4PT dual channel, SIL3 MOTOR STARTER DIRECT, 1.5KW/400VAC MOTOR STARTER DIRECT, 3.7KW/400VAC MOTOR STARTER REVERSING, 1.5KW/400VAC I/O TERMINAL STRIP W/SHIELD, 6 POSITION SPRING STYLE, QTY 5 I/O TERMINAL STRIP W/DUAL SHIELD, 6 POSITION SPRING STYLE-QTY 5 I/O TERMINAL STRIP, 8 POSITION SPRING STYLE, QTY 10 I/O TERMINAL STRIP, 8 POSITION SPRING STYLE, AC INPUT - QTY 10 I/O TERMINAL STRIP, 8 POSITION SPRING STYLE, AC OUTPUT-QTY 10 I/O TERMINAL STRIP, 8 POSITION SPRING STYLE, RELAY, QTY 10 POWER TERMINAL STRIP, 8 POSITION SPRING STYLE, QTY 10 I/O TERMINAL STRIP, 12 POSITION SPRING STYLE, INPUT, QTY 10 I/O TERMINAL STRIP, 12 POSITION SPRING STYLE, OUTPUT, QTY 10 TERMINAL STRIP SET, SPRING STYLE, DEVICENET NIU TERMINAL STRIP SET, SPRING STYLE, ENCODER TERMINAL STRIP SET, SPRING STYLE, ANALOG OUT/HSC TERMINAL STRIP SET, SPRING STYLE, AC POWER TERMINAL TERMINAL STRIP SET, SPRING STYLE, RELAY ISOLATION PanelPC 1GB Compact Flash Option PanelPC 80GB Hard Disk Option PanelPC 256MB RAM Option PanelPC 512MB RAM Option 12in Intelligence PanelClient H/W Only 12in Intelligence PanelClient w/ iFIX TS 12in Intelligence PanelClient w/ CIMP TS PanelClient Pro 12 inch with No License PanelClient Pro 12 inch with No License and Stainless Steel Bezel PanelClient 15 inch with No License PanelClient 15 inch with iFIX Terminal Service License PanelClient 15 inch with CIMPLICITY Terminal Service License PanelClient Pro 15 inch with No License PanelClient Pro 15 inch with No License and Stainless Steel Bezel PanelPC Workstation 15 inch with Windows XP PanelClient Pro 17 inch with No License PanelClient Pro 17 inch with No License and Stainless Steel Bezel Expansion Rack I/O Cable, 2 feet (0.6m) Expansion Rack I/O Cable, 5 feet (1.5m) Expansion Rack I/O Cable, 10 feet (3m) Expansion Rack I/O Cable, 25 feet (7.5m) Expansion Rack I/O Cable, 50 feet (15m) Max-ON Lite Software for 90-30 Hot Stand By Redundancy Max-ON Standard Software for 90-30 Hot Stand By Redundancy Max-ON Extended Software for 90-30 Hot Stand By Redundancy Series 90 Protocol (SNP) Driver, DOS, Single-Use License Series 90 Protocol (SNP) Driver, Source, Multi-Use License Series 90 Protocol (SNP) Driver, DOS, Multi-Use License Series 90 Protocol (SNP) Driver, DOS, Multi-Use License Series 90 PCM Development Software (PCOP) Series 90 PCM Development Software (PCOP) Series 90 PCM Support S/W, Term. Emulator/File Transfer (TERMF) Series 90 PCM Support S/W, Term. Emulator/File Transfer (TERMF) GMR Phase 4 System and Configuration Software GMR Phase 4 System and Configuration Software Durus Controller Programming and Simulation Software with Cable (IC210CBL001) iFIX iClient Read Only 5 PK Keyless iFIX iClient Read Only 10 PK Keyless iFIX iClient Read Only 25 PK Keyless iFIX iClient Read Only 50 PK Keyless iFIX iClient Read Only 100 PK Keyless Proficy Machine Edition Demo 10 Pack Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -French 5.5 Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -Italian v5.5 Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -German v5.5 Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -Spanish v5.5 Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -Czech v5.0 Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -Polish v5.0 Proficy Machine Edition Language Pack -Russian v5.0 Logic Developer - PLC Nano/Micro - Upgrade GE Compare Single License PA CAL (one user of SDK + all PA Disp + all PA Rpt) PA non-Proficy Historian Connector PA Server Function License, (SFL) Batch Opt: Batch Campaign Manager Batch Client Pak Ver 5.1 Batch Development Pak Ver 5.5 Batch Pilot Server Pak (5 units) Ver 5.1 Batch Small Srv Pak (10 units) Ver 5.1 Batch Medium Srv Pak (20 units) Ver 5.1 Batch Large Srv Pak (255 units) Ver 5.1 Batch Srv Pak Upg (5 to 10 units) Ver5.1 Batch Srv Pak Upg (10 to 20 unit) Ver5.1 Batch Srv Pak Upg (20 to255 units) V 5.1 Batch Opt: WorkI Clnt Pak (w/ iFix RT) Batch Option: WorkInstruction Dev Pak Batch Opt: WorkI Pilot SrvPak (5 Units) Batch Opt: WorkI SmallSrvPak 10 Units Batch Opt: WorkI MediumSrvPak (20 Units) Batch Opt: WorkI LargeSrvPak 255 Units QuickPanel Control software - Hardware key Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Client Enabler - 1X CAL Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Client Enabler - 2X CALs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Client Enabler - 5X CALs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Client Enabler - 10X CALs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Client Enabler - 25X CALs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Client Enabler - 50X CALs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Runtime Server - 1X monitored KPI Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Runtime Server - 2X monitored KPIs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Runtime Server - 5X monitored KPIs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Runtime Server - 10X monitored KPIs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Runtime Server - 25X monitored KPIs Proficy Cause+ for Intelligent HMI/SCADA Runtime Server - 50X monitored KPIs DataMart Reporting Client DataMart 3 Reporting Clients DataMart 5 Reporting Clients DataMart 10 Reporting Clients DataMart 20 Reporting Clients DataMart 50 Reporting Clients DataMart 100 Reporting Clients DataMart 200 Reporting Clients DataMart 1 PA Connection DataMart 3 PA Connections DataMart 5 PA Connections DataMart 10 PA Connections DataMart 25 PA Connections EGD:GE Ethernet Global Data Management Edition EGD:GE Ethernet Global Data Management Edition A&E Option for Historian - Standard Server 100 Points A&E Option for Historian - Standard Server 10000 Points A&E Option for Historian - Standard Server 15000 Points A&E Option for Historian - Standard Server 1000 Points A&E Option for Historian - Standard Server 20000 Points A&E Option for Historian - Standard Server 300 Points A&E Option for Historian - Sta