南通曼冷克林贸易发展有限公司,其发展目标是成为国内优势的欧洲自动化仪器仪表,备品备件供应商。德国供应商就达300多家,应用领域包括钢厂、电厂、化工、汽车、机械、流体、自动控制等行业。ERP系统做单,可以提供订单全程查询。德国法兰克福仓库拼货,为客户节约了成本,提高了采购效率。我们直接与欧洲厂家联系,快捷,有效的沟通,提供**原装正品,真正做到了让客户服务满意,采购放心。 德国原装进口,优势价格供应,质量良好。 联系人:袁伟岸(先生) 联系电话: 固定电话:0513-81800476 Q E-mail:3518118385@ 公司地址:南通市海安县城东镇宁海南路269号曼冷克林贸易有限公司专业供应德国工控产品,备品备件,仪器仪表等。 1.总部位于德国,享受价格折扣,在市场上价格具备优势。 2.报价,发货及时。 3.产品可修可换,我公司与厂家直接沟通。 4.不易查找和小金额产品,我们同样供应。 5.凡德国工控产品,我们都可以为您询价并采购。 产品介绍: 20BAR 1-P3MB/1000BAR 1-P3MBP/1000BAR Strain gages and PT100 1-P3MB/3000BAR 1554 - - - "Top Class" 1-P3TCP/10BAR 1-P3TCP/20BAR Order no. 1-P3TCP/2000BAR "Top Class" "Top Class" "Top Class" 1-P3TCP/500BAR 1-P3TCP/1000BAR "Top Class" 750 bar "Top Class" 1-P3TCP/50BAR "Top Class" 1-P3TCP/100BAR 3000 bar 20 bar "Top Class" 1-P3MBP/3000BAR El. connection Measuring range Type 1-P3ICP/500BAR 1-P3ICP/750BAR 1-P3ICP/1000BAR 1335 1372 1056 - 1-P3MB/200BAR 1335 1-P3MB/500BAR 200 bar 750 bar - 500 bar 500 bar 1000 bar 1116 2500 bar Meas. Systems 10 bar 1483 1483 P3MB / P3ICP / P3TCP Accessories Order no. EUR P3... Accessories Order no. 2-9278.0376 Two Double-cone seals are part of the standard delivery of all P3 from 500bar measuring range. The above mentioned parts are accessories for the purpose of exchange. Double-cone seal, 90° (for nominal measuring range up to 3.000 bar), scope of supply: 2 pcs. 2) 22 2) P3MBP Accessories EUR 3000 bar 1721 1600 1656 2000 bar "Top Class" 1483 1483 1483 1483 1532 1483 1-P3TCP/200BAR "Top Class" Connector fitting and TEDS installation #) EUR (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) #) see chapter 12 Order no. Connection cable (PUR) with M12 plug, 20m long, free ends 1-KAB168-20 49 Connection cable (PUR) for P3MBP "BlueLine" (≥ 5000 bar) and P3TCP, 3m long, free ends Connector fitting #) P3TCP Accessories Order no. EUR Connection cable (PUR) for P3MBP "BlueLine" (≥ 5000 bar) and P3TCP, 7m long, free ends 1-KAB170-7 157 1-KAB170-3 128 D-MONT 3) Only for versions with permanently mounted cable ! TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) installation 3) see chapter 6 Cable socket HK6S for cable diameter of 8 mm 1-KAB168-5 P3ICP Accessories Order no. EUR 32 3-3312.0095 72 Connection cable (PUR) with M12 plug, 5m long, free ends Cable socket HK6S for cable diameter of 6 mm 3-3312.0097 1-KAB405.30A-3 159 72 3m connection cable Sensor plug M12, 8 pin 1) 1010 1059 EUR 1010 1059 1010 1059 1010 1-P3MB/50BAR 1010 1-P3MB/100BAR 1234 1346 - - 1-P3MBP/50BAR 1-P3MBP/100BAR 1-P3MBP/200BAR 1-P3MBP/500BAR 1-P3MB/2000BAR 1185 P3TCP "Top Class" - with increased accuracy 1-P3MBP/2000BAR 1-P3IC/3000BAR 1-P3ICP/3000BAR 1303 2000 bar 1119 1-P3ICP/2000BAR 1180 2500 bar 100 bar 200 bar 50 bar 1000 bar EUR 1-P3TCP/2500BAR 1-P3IC/2000BAR 1241 TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) integrated ! (see pages 6-1 / 6-2) Lemo FFA 2E.310 1) 1448 1452 - 1248 [ !!! ]: Not all options can be combined with each other. Please take heed of the terms in the square brackets! EUR EUR Ordering example: Code MB 010B 261 C 0 0 Pressure transducers 2013-11-14 Code MBP 973 K-P3-... (optional versions) 100B Option 2: Measuring range Option 1: Design P3MBP "Classic" (HS6P plug, welded) [ only with Option 3 = P / C ] 020B 050B 50 bar [ not with Option 3 = P / C ] Order no. K-P3 Reference Price List 2014 - Pressure measurement technology K-P3-... 3-2 M Connection cable, 20m, MS plug 173 100 bar 200 bar 500 bar 1000 bar Y 0 79 Connection cable, 3m, D15 plug N P F D [ only with Option 1 = MB ] [ only with Option 1 = MB ] 150 38 Only for versions with permanently mounted cable ! 1) 2) Not possible with ATEX ! M B 210 B B - B - C A Connector fitting and TEDS installation 0 see page 3-1 K-P3 M TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) installation 1) 2) Order no. EUR see chapter 6 D-MONT #) Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) #) see chapter 12 85 HS6P plug, welded ATEX II 2 G EEx ib IIC T4, Connection cable, 3m, free ends 3) ATEX II 2 G EEx ib IIC T4, Connection cable, 20m, free ends 3) [ only with Option 1 = MB ] 150 0 0 112 46 Connection cable, 20m, free ends [ only with Option 1 = MB ] 110 K Connection cable, 3m, free ends [ only with Option 1 = MB ] P3MB "Classic" (Connection cable, 3m) 10 bar 20 bar 362 0 0 0 EUR 01KB 200B 500B 02KB EUR 03KB 224 Code 3000 bar 2000 bar Option 3: Electrical connection [ only with Option 1 = MBP ] Connection cable, 3m, MS plug ATEX II 2 G EEx ib IIC T4, HS6P plug, welded 3) [ only with Option 1 = MB ] Connection cable, 20m, D15 plug [ only with Option 1 = MB ] [ only with Option 1 = MB ] [ only with Option 1 = MBP ] - _ - - P3... Accessories 0 5 3) Available as spare part only! K-P3 - P P3MBP + P3TCP "BlueLine" P3MBP + P3TCP "BlueLine" Ultra high pressure transducers for absolute pressure Connection cable (PUR) for P3MBP "BlueLine" (≥ 5000 bar) and P3TCP, 7m long, free ends 1-KAB170-7 157 Connection cable (PUR) for P3MBP "BlueLine" (≥ 5000 bar) and P3TCP, 3m long, free ends 1-KAB170-3 128 Lemo FFA 2E.310 1) "Top Class" 3753 P3TCP "Top Class" M20x1.5 Reference Price List 2014 - Pressure measurement technology 3-3 10000 bar 1-P3MBP/10000BAR monilithic measuring body TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) integrated ! (see pages 6-1 / 6-2) "Top Class" 2922 Measuring range Order no. EUR Order no. EUR Ultra high pressure transducers and High pressure transducers 2013-11-14 Meas. system Type P3MBP "Classic" Meas. body monilithic measuring body 2374 1-P3TCP/10000BAR 2104 El. connection 1) Lemo FFA 2E.310 1) Mech. connection M20x1.5 5000 bar 1-P3MBP/5000BAR 1679 1-P3TCP/5000BAR "Top Class" Strain gages Pressure application static / dynamic static / dynamic Strain gages and PT100 Note highest durability highest durability Order no. EUR 15000 bar 1-P3MBP/15000BAR 3153 1-P3TCP/15000BAR Connection cable not included in scope of supply, please order separately, see P3MBP "BlueLine" + P3TCP "BlueLine" Accessories Order no. EUR D-MONT #) Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) #) see chapter 12 Connector fitting 1) 2-9278.0375 35 46 Double-cone seal (for nominal measuring range of 10.000 bar), scope of supply: 2 pcs. *) 2-9278.0373 30 P3MBP "BlueLine" + P3TCP "BlueLine" Accessories *) Two Double-cone seals are part of the standard delivery of all P3MBP “Blue Line”. The above mentioned parts are accessories for the purpose of exchange. Double-cone seal with filling body (for nominal measuring range of 5.000 bar), scope of supply: 2 pcs. *) 2-9278.0372 Double-cone seal (for nominal measuring range of 15.000 bar), scope of supply: 2 pcs. *) 200 bar 1-P2VA1/200BAR 512 1-P2VA2/200BAR Reference Price List 2014 - Pressure measurement technology 3-4 High pressure transmitters and Pressure transmitters 2013-11-14 30 Connection cable (PUR) for P2V, 20m long (additional cable) 1-KAB166-20 47 Connection cable (PUR) for P2V, 5m long (additional cable or replacement cable) 1-KAB166-5 EUR 38 38 Connecting branch G1/4" inner thread to G1/2" outer thread (up to 2000bar max.) Order no. 1-ADAPT.G1/4-G1/2 Connecting branch G1/4" inner thread to M20x1.5 outer thread (up to 2000bar max.) 1-ADAPT.G1/4-M20 1-P15RVA1/20B 328 1-P15RVA2/20B P15 Accessories Order no. P2V High pressure transmitters for absolute pressure P2V... / P15... Measuring range 20 bar Order no. EUR Order no. EUR Mech. connection G 1/4 (3000, 5000, 7000 bar: M16x1.5 inner thread) Output ** 0.5 ... 10V 4...20mA Measuring range Type P2V Meas. body monilithic measuring body Meas. system Strain gages El. connection 1) 5-pole, M12x1.5 1) 100 bar 1-P2VA1/100BAR 534 1-P2VA2/500BAR 534 491 1-P2VA2/100BAR 491 512 500 bar 1-P2VA1/500BAR 1000 bar 1-P2VA1/1000BAR 2000 bar 1-P2VA1/2000BAR 3000 bar 1-P2VA1/3000BAR 985 1-P2VA2/3000BAR 985 TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) integrated ! (see pages 6-1 / 6-2) 711 1-P2VA2/1000BAR 711 930 1-P2VA2/2000BAR 930 5000 bar 1-P2VA1/5000BAR 1059 1-P2VA2/5000BAR 1059 1) Connection cable (1-KAB166-5) included in scope of supply P2V Accessories P15 LOW-COST Pressure transmitters Type P15 Meas. body Steel diaphragm Meas. system Strain gages El. connection Connector acc. to DIN 43 650 2) Note 0 ... 10 V analog output 4 ... 20 mA analog output EUR Order no. EUR Mech. connection External thread G 1/2, Form B 10 bar 1-P15RVA1/10B 328 1-P15RVA2/10B 328 Order no. 328 50 bar 1-P15RVA1/50B 328 1-P15RVA2/50B 328 100 bar 1-P15RVA1/100B 328 1-P15RVA2/100B 328 200 bar 1-P15RVA1/200B 328 1-P15RVA2/200B 328 328 2) Cable socket not included in scope of supply, please order separately, see P15 Accessories 500 bar 1-P15RVA1/500B 328 1-P15RVA2/500B EUR Cable socket 4-pin socket, DIN 43 650 2-9278.0382 10 7000 bar 1-P2VA1/7000BAR 1104 1-P2VA2/7000BAR 1104 - - - - - - Pressure transducers 2013-11-14 3-5 Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) #) see chapter 12 0 Reference Price List 2014 - Pressure measurement technology 0 Code Option 2: Pressure connection 1-P8AP/10B-001 300 Mech. connection DA10 tube Cable, 5m, 6-wire K-P8AP 10 External thread M10x1 15 External thread G1/2 Form B 17 External thread NPT 1/4 34 50 bar Type P8AP 0 0 EUR EUR K-P8AP-... (optional versions) Order no. EUR 47 34 34 34 EUR 0 EUR 267 184 165 P8AP P8AP Pressure transducers for absolute pressure, immediately available 1-P8AP/20B-001 300 10 bar Measuring range Order no. Meas. system Strain gages El. connection 1-P8AP/50B-001 300 20 bar 100 bar 1-P8AP/100B-001 300 200 bar 1-P8AP/200B-001 300 500 bar 1-P8AP/500B-001 300 300 Code Option 1: Measuring range EUR K-P8AP 218 10 bar 221 20 bar 0 225 50 bar 0 228 100 bar 231 200 bar 235 500 bar External thread M20x1.5 14 External thread G1/4 Form B 13 Internal thread M8x1.25 51 Internal thread G1/4 Form Z 34 50 34 71 DA10 screwed connection with cutting or clamping ring Code Option 3: Version A5 Standard version, with cable, 5m, free ends 0 T2 High-temperature version (max. +140°C), with cable 1,5m, free ends A9 Standard version, with cable, 20m, free ends 58 0 0 D Cable with D15 plug, mounted 44 EUR K Cable with free ends 0 **) Only for versions with permanently mounted cable ! Connector fitting and TEDS installation TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) installation **) see chapter 6 Order no. EUR D-MONT #) T9 High-temperature version (max. +140°C), with cable 20m, free ends TH High-temperature version (max. +140°C), with HS6P connector *) with pressure peak damping (throttle) *) Corresponds to PT06E-10-6S, Fa. Bendix / UPT06J, FA. Cannon Code Option 5: electrical connection M Cable with MS plug, mounted 65 48 0 With Option 3 = TH, no cable 0 Code 12 Option 6: Specials no P8AP Accessories Order no. EUR 3m connection cable 1-KAB405.30A-3 159 Configurable cable for pressure transducers 29 Cable, 10-pole, shielded, D=6,3mm, TPE-U (only with Code 0170 and 0173) 15 007 Length 7 m 29 K-KAB-D- - - - P001 Connector MS3106A16S-1P P006 Sub-D connector, 15pole 44 66 Code Option 4: connector, socket (to the measurement amplifier) EUR 125 010 Length 10 m Code Option 3: length [m] 003 Length 3 m EUR 15 12 Cable, 6-pole, shielded, D=6,5mm, SIL (only with Code 0405) 15 P3TCP Blue Line, Lemo connector, straight Code Option 2: variety/version/design EUR Code Option 1: type of cable EUR Order No EUR K-KAB-D 0 0000 free ends 0 P010 DSUB-HD-Stecker, 15 pole (for Quantum X) P009 Sub-D connector, 15pole with turn out free ends (only with Code 0170 und 0173) 44 55 020 0 50 006 Length 6 m 22 Length 20 m Reference Price List 2014 - Pressure measurement technology 3-6 Configurable Cable 2013-11-14 K-KAB-D 15 Cable, 6-pole, shielded, D=4,2mm, PUR (only with Code 0405) 120 0170 0405 P3MBP, HS6P cable socket, straight plug 140 113 0173 P3TCP Blue Line, Lemo connector, angle Reference Price List 2014 - Pressure measurement technology 2013-11-14 3-7 4-5 Torque flange, non-contacting ** transmission K-ERS-T12 4-10 K-ERS-T10F TIM-EC / TIM40 / ROBA?-DS T10F Torque interface module for T40 torque flange Configurable Cable K-KAB-T 4-18 4-15 Torque transfer standard / Reference torque wrench TN / TTS 4-17 TB1A / TB2 / Reference books 4-16 4-11 / 4-12 Torque flange, digital ** transmission (non-contacting) T40FM 4-4 4-7 / 4-8 4-6 Accessories for T40B, T40FM, T10F, T10FS, T12 Cables and Connectors Torque flange, non-contacting ** transmission T10FS Torque transducers, non-contacting ** transmission Torque flange, non-contacting ** transmission Torque flange, non-contacting ** transmission Torque flange, non-contacting ** transmission Your torque transducers are calibrated by HBM on request. Calibrations are offered within the scope of the German Calibration Service (DKD) or as working standard calibrations. For details, see page 11-3. Torque calibrations = on these pages you find new products or new components 4-1 / 4-2 Torque transducers Torque transducers, slip ring ** transmission 4-3 Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers 4 Table of contents 2013-11-25 Digital torque transducer T12 Torque flange, digital ** transmission (non-contacting) T40B Torque reference transducers / Reference books T10FH T20WN / T22 T4A / T5 / SK 4-13 4-14 4-9 3762011 D-K- 2012-11 Kalibrierschein Calibration certificate Kalibrierzeichen Calibration mark Dieser Kalibrierschein darf nur vollst?ndig und unver?ndert weiterverbreitet werden. Auszüge oder ?nderungen bedürfen der Genehmigung sowohl der Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH als auch des ausstellenden Kalibrierlaboratoriums. Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschrift haben keine Gültigkeit. This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of both the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH and the issuing laboratory. Calibration certificates without signature are not valid. Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH, DE - Darmstadt TOP-Z30A/200 N A1234567 Muster GmbH; DE-64293 Darmstadt A987654 8 2012-11-30 Rev. 2.0.31 29.07.2013 BB 2013-08-26 Stenner Meckel Muster / Sample Leiter des Kalibrierlaboratoriums Head of the calibration laboratory 12029-01-00 2 kN·m S010R 10 kN·m 4587 EUR - 4-1 2013-11-25 Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Digital torque transducer T12 Digital torque transducer Order no. EUR SG measuring system; 0.03 accuracy class; contactless measurement ** transmission; no bearings; plug connection. Output ** standard: CANopen, frequency; optional: ±10V, PROFIBUS DPV1 Code Option 1: Measuring range up to K-T12 TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) integrated !!! (Page 1/2) T12 S500Q 5519 S001R 5519 500 N·m 1 kN·m - Y - Y - G Increased accuracy: Lin. ±0.01% and TK0 ±0.01%/10K 1) 335 S Code Option 2: Accuracy EUR Standard 0 Code Option 3: Nominal rot. speed up to EUR L 10000 / 12000 / 15000 rpm (depending on measuring range, see data sheet) 0 H 12000 / 14000 / 16000 / 18000 rpm (depending on measuring range, see data sheet) 1380 Code Option 4: Electrical configuration EUR DF1 60 kHz ±30 kHz output **, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 182 DU2 60 kHz ±30 kHz and ±10 V, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 798 SF1 10 kHz ±5 kHz output **, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 0 SU2 10 kHz ±5 kHz and ±10 V, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 618 Code Option 5: Bus connection EUR C CANopen (2 male device connectors) 0 P CANopen and PROFIBUS DPV1 630 Code Option 6: Rot. speed measuring system EUR N Without rot. speed measuring system 0 1 Optical rot. speed measuring system; 360/720 pulses/revolution 881 Code Option 7: Protection against contact EUR A 0 Option 9: Customised modification No customer-specific modification Code EUR N Y 1) With voltage output: Lin. ±0,05% and TK0 ±0,1%/10K YY 3 kN·m N Without protection 569 0 - S005R 5 kN·m 7668 11028 N 2) Only with Option 3 = L (see Data sheet for details) 2994 4339 For measuring range 5 kN·m - N Optical rot. speed measuring system; 360/720 pulses/revolution and reference pulse - - No coupling For measuring ranges 2 kN·m + 3 kN·m K-T12- S Y S003R 6069 For measuring ranges 100 N·m ... 1 kN·m EUR 1466 985 With protection for measuring ranges 100 N·m ... 1 kN·m Y For measuring range 10 kN·m 6394 Y 1203 5383 Option 8: Mounted MODULFLEX? couplings 2) With protection for measuring range 5 kN·m S100Q 100 N·m 6199 S002R 6069 Code EUR Basic price: Option 1: Measuring range up to S200Q 200 N·m 5519 With protection for measuring range 10 kN·m With protection for measuring ranges 2 kN·m + 3 kN·m 0 Code 478 Order no. PROFIBUS Order no. EUR 1-KAB167-2 146 EUR Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Digital torque transducer Tee connector DeviceNet M12 Termination resistor PROFIBUS M12, B-encoded, 5-pole 1-PROFI-AB-M12 18 Male / female cable connector PROFIBUS M12 female cable connector 5-pole M12, B-encoded; male cable connector 5-pole M12, B-encoded 1-PROFI-M12 Male / female cable connectors 1-CAN-AB-M12 60 1-CANHEAD-TERM PROFIBUS Order no. EUR CANbus termination resistor, M12, A-encoded, 5-pole, female connector 1-CANHEAD-M12-T 28 24 219 Set (plug and socket) DeviceNet M12, for the manufacture of individual connection cables Connecting cable CANbus; M12, A-encoded ? D-Sub 9-pole; connectable termination resistor, 6 m 1-KAB161-6 CANbus termination resistor, M12, A-encoded, 5-pole, male connector CANbus PROFIBUS connection cable, Y distributor, M12 socket, B coding - M12 plug, B coding / M12 socket, B coding, 2 m 1-CANHEAD-M12 41 44 Order no. EUR 1-T12-SETUP-USB 540 T12 Accessories 4-2 2013-11-25 Ready made connecting cables T12 (Page 2/2) Ready made connecting cables and cable sockets see on page 4-5 CANbus Order no. EUR Setup Toolkit for T12 Miscellaneous Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] MF Measurement flange, complete Code Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] 5 kN·m Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] 3641 Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] 3231 3231 Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] 3641 005R Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] 5745 3231 050Q 50 N·m 1) 010R 10 kN·m 003R 3 kN·m Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] 3961 Basic price Stator: [ only with Option 2 = MF / ST ] 2013-11-25 EUR T40B T40B Torque flange Strain gage measuring system; 0.05 accuracy class; no bearings; plug connection; frequency and ± 10V output **, TMC interface Order no. EUR K-T40B 2165 Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Torque flange, digital ** transmission (non-contacting) 4-3 Code Option 1: Measuring range up to 002R 2 kN·m 100Q 100 N·m 001R 1 kN·m 200Q 200 N·m 500Q 500 N·m 3961 RO Rotor 380 0 6669 Option 2: Component EUR Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] ST Stator 326 Code Option 3: Accuracy EUR S Standard 0 Code Option 4: Adjustment EUR M Metric (N·m) 0 Code Option 5: Electrical configuration [ only with Option 2 = MF / ST ] EUR SU2 10 kHz ±5 kHz and ±10 V output **, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 109 DU2 60 kHz ±30 kHz and ±10 V output **, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 0 HU2 240 kHz ±120 kHz and ±10 V output **, 18...30 V DC supply voltage 109 Code Option 6: Rotational speed measuring system EUR - 0 Code Option 7: Customised modification EUR 1238 Without rot. speed measuring system K-T40B- - S - M - A Magnetic rot. speed measuring system; 1024 pulses/revolution and 1622 reference pulse 2) 0 1) Measuring range 50 N·m has different accuracy class 0.1 T40B Accessories 1 Magnetic rot. Speed measuring system; 1024 pulses/revolution 2) - - S = PREFERENCE Types S No customer-specific modification 0 2) When ordering rotor only resp. stator only, the price is reduced by 50%. Ready made connecting cables and cable sockets see on page 4-5 T40B Accessories: Multiple-disc coupling ROBA?-DS for T40, T40B see page 4-6 H Speed depending on measuring range, from 4,500 rpm to 8,000 rpm 1138 Without rot. speed measuring system Code S 0 Option 7: Customised modification EUR No customer-specific modification Magnetic rot. Speed measuring system; 1024 pulses/revolution and reference pulse 1) 2243 K-T40FM- 1 0 0 Magnetic rot. Speed measuring system; 1024 pulses/revolution 1) 1765 020R 20 kN·m Basic price Rotor: [ only with Option 2 = MF / RO ] Basic price Rotor: [ only w