

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 南通 海安县 海安镇 宁海南路269号
  • 姓名: 袁伟岸
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 仪器仪表配件
  • 发布日期:2016-08-22
  • 阅读量:264
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:100.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:江苏南通海安县海安镇  
  • 关键词:电动开关,传感器,模块,编码器


    南通曼冷克林贸易发展有限公司,其发展目标是成为国内优势的欧洲自动化仪器仪表,备品备件供应商。德国供应商就达300多家,应用领域包括钢厂、电厂、化工、汽车、机械、流体、自动控制等行业。ERP系统做单,可以提供订单全程查询。德国法兰克福仓库拼货,为客户节约了成本,提高了采购效率。我们直接与欧洲厂家联系,快捷,有效的沟通,提供**原装正品,真正做到了让客户服务满意,采购放心。 德国原装进口,优势价格供应,质量良好。 联系人:袁伟岸(先生) 联系电话: 固定电话:0513-81800476 Q E-mail:3518118385@ 公司地址:南通市海安县城东镇宁海南路269号曼冷克林贸易有限公司专业供应德国工控产品,备品备件,仪器仪表等。 1.总部位于德国,享受价格折扣,在市场上价格具备优势。 2.报价,发货及时。 3.产品可修可换,我公司与厂家直接沟通。 4.不易查找和小金额产品,我们同样供应。 5.凡德国工控产品,我们都可以为您询价并采购。 产品介绍: , 6 m 1-KAB139A-6 140 Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) #) #) see chapter 12 237 1703 2390 3158 21 Replacement brush assembly Order no. 1-SK6 1-SK12 3-3098.0028 1-SK5/40 1-SK5/55 1-SK5/95 3-3098.0006 2-9289.1955 Slip ring body with 5 slip rings for max. shaft diameters of 40 mm Slip ring body with 5 slip rings for max. shaft diameters of 55 mm Slip ring body with 5 slip rings for max. shaft diameters of 95 mm Replacement carbon brush for SK5 Slip ring head with 12 slip rings Replacement carbon brush for SK6/SK12 SK ... Slip ring assembly 2840 16 EUR 2232 Type Slip ring head with 6 slip rings T5 Accessories Order no. EUR EUR - - 1-T5/10NM 3007 Order no. 2959 1 kN·m Order no. 1-T5/100NM 1-T5/20NM 3694 3694 2959 1-T4A/100NM 2959 1-T4A/200NM Saft stub, friction joint 0.1 Cable, 3m Square acc. to DIN 3121 EUR 1-T4A/5NM 3694 1-T4A/10NM 1-T4A/20NM 1-T4A/50NM Mech. connection 500 N·m Nominal torque 5 N·m 10 N·m 20 N·m 50 N·m 100 N·m 200 N·m Accuracy class El. connection T4A / T5 / SK Type T4A 2013-11-25 Strain gage measuring systems Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Torque transducers, slip ring ** transmission 4-15 see chapter 6 D-MONT TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) installation Order no. EUR T4A Accessories D-MONT #) #) see chapter 12 4530 - - Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) 1-T4A/500NM 4210 1-T4A/1KNM - - 26 Reference book "Measuring Torque Correctly", English edition, Paperback 7-1002.3421 26 *) Book presented by Rainer Schicker and Georg Wegener, edited by HBM 1-TB2/100NM 1-TB2/200NM Reference book "Measuring Torque Correctly" Reference book "Drehmoment richtig messen", German edition, ISBN 3-00-009015-0 *) 1-MD-BUCH-D 2) for TB2 only possible in combination with "IP 67" Option TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) installation 2) see chapter 6 Order no. EUR EUR Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) D-MONT #) #) see chapter 12 Order no. 3 kN·m 5 kN·m 10 kN·m 1-TB2/3KNM 1-TB2/5KNM 1-TB2/10KNM 4528 5056 5562 EUR 3998 3998 4508 3998 10 kN·m 4528 TB2-TB2 Torque reference transducer Type plug connection, incl. connecting cable, 3 m with free ends TB2 1-TB1A/1KNM 1-TB1A/2KNM 1-TB1A/500NM 1-TB1A/5KNM 1-TB1A/10KNM 4655 4655 5257 6591 Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Torque reference transducers / Reference books Type permanently mounted 6-core connection cable, 3 m with free ends TB1A 4-16 Strain gage measuring system, 0.05 accuracy class, torque introduction via flanges, torque output ** 1.5 mV/V 2013-11-25 TB1A / TB2 / Reference books TB1A-TB2 Torque reference transducer Strain gage measuring system, 0.03 accuracy class, torque introduction via flanges, torque output ** 1.0 mV/V, 100 N·m 200 N·m 500 N·m 1 kN·m 2 kN·m 5 kN·m 5975 1-TB1A/100NM Nominal torque 2 kN·m 500 N·m 1-TB2/2KNM 1 kN·m Order no. 1-TB2/500NM 1-TB2/1KNM 100 N·m 200 N·m Nominal torque Order no. EUR 1-TB1A/200NM 4338 4338 TB2 Option EUR 352 TB1A and TB2 Accessories Protection class IP67 according to EN 60529, permanently mounted connection cable, 3 m with free ends Order no. D-TB2/IP67 #) see chapter 12 1) Availability on request! 1) Availability on request! 2) Only in connection with a DKD calibration certificate (not included in scope of supply). Please order in addition. Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) EUR 332 Ordering information 4-17 Scope of supply: Transportation case (for TN / 100 N·m ... 1 kN·m) 1-TN-KOFFER 1) 424 Transportation box for (for TN / 2 kN·m ... 20 kN·m) 1-TN-BOX 1) 1087 2013-11-25 1-TN/100NM 1) 1-TN/200NM 1) EUR 100 N·m TN / TTS TN Torque transfer standard 1) Nominal torque Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Torque transfer standard / Reference torque wrench 6827 3358 3358 5430 1-TN/10KNM 1) 2 kN·m 3892 10 kN·m Type 1-TN/2KNM 1) 1-TN/5KNM 1) 1-TN/500NM 1) 1-TN/1KNM 1) 3358 3358 TN Order no. 3/4 " 1-TTS/1000NM TN Options 1) Bending moment bridges (x and y direction) for nominal torque 10 kN·m ... 20 kN·m Increased accuracy (TOP) 2) 835 Temperature measurement (PT 100) 518 1-TTS/AV-1/2 1-TTS/IV-3/8 518 1-TTS/IV-1/2 518 1-TTS/AV-3/8 518 518 Order no. 1-TTS/AV-1/4 518 518 1301 1-TTS/AV-1 1-TTS/AV-1 1/2 518 1301 518 1-TTS/AV-3/4 340 N·m 3000 N·m 1-TTS/IV-3/4 1-TTS/IV-1 1-TTS/IV-1 1/2 518 3/8 " 1 1/2 " 1 " 3/4 " 1/2 " 1000 N·m 1500 N·m 135 N·m 1 " 30 N·m 1-TTS/100NM EUR External square Max. torque Internal square Order no. EUR 1-TTS/IV-1/4 1 kN·m 500 N·m 200 N·m 1/4 " TTS Accessories 11682 11682 3 kN·m 1 1/2 " 1-TTS/3000NM Square drive size Test specimen square drive adapter with internal or external square 9371 1-TTS/200NM 1-TTS/500NM 9371 16687 1/2 " 1/2 " 100 N·m 20 kN·m 500 N·m 1 kN·m 1-TN/20KNM 1) 8421 200 N·m 5 kN·m TTS Transfer torque wrench for nominal torque 100 N·m ... 1 kN·m for nominal torque 2 kN·m ... 5 kN·m 1070 892 1212 Second bridge for torque Transfer torque wrench in aluminum case; one test specimen square drive adapter with external square; DKD-R 3-7 calibration certificate; connecting cable 3m, 15-pin D connector on amplifier side (different connector type at extra charge) 1532 1) Availability on request! TN Accessories Order no. EUR D-MONT #) For calibration of torque wrench calibration devices. Torque introduction via lever arm; connection to unit under test via square adapter; class 0.2 according to DKD-R 3-7. Nominal torque Type TTS External square adapter Order no. EUR Configurable cable for torque transducers 1) Option 1 cable type = 139A,0149,0150,0153,0154 determines option 2 design = 01 2) Option 1 cable type = 0163,0164,0174 determines option 2 design = 32 - - S020 16 poles, 90° cable introduction 18 8 poles, 90° cable introduction 18 S019 16 poles, straight cable introduction 0 Configurable Cable 4-18 050 50m [option 2 = "01"] 228 Order No EUR K-KAB-T 0 Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers Code Option 1: type of cable EUR 139A Cab. 139A / - / 7 poles, connection cable, 423 ? free ends 1) 140 0149 Cab. 0149 / Md / 7 poles, torque connection cable, 423 ? D-Sub 15P 1) 205 0150 Cab. 0150 / n / 8 poles, rot. speed connection cable, 423 ? D-Sub 15P 1) 205 0153 Cab. 0153 / Md / 7 poles, torque connection cable, 423 ? free ends 1) 140 0154 Cab. 0154 / n / 8 poles, rot. speed connection cable, 423 ? free ends 1) 140 0163 Cab. 0163 / n+Ref.Imp. / 8 poles, connecting cable rot. speed, reference pulse; 423 8-pole ? D-Sub 15-pole 2) 205 0164 Cab. 0164 / n+Ref.Imp. / 8 poles, connecting cable rot. speed, reference pulse; 423 8-pole ? free ends 2) 140 0174 Cab. 0174 / TIM/TMC/16 poles, connection cable TMC, 16-pole, free ends 2) 140 Code Option 2: variety/version/design (determined by option 1) EUR 01 Cab 7.5 / 00-2/2/2-PVC/gray 0 32 Cab 8 / 00-2/2/2/1/1-PVC/gray 0 Code Option 3: length [m] EUR 006 6m [option 2 = "01"] 0 006 6m [option 2 = "32"] 0 010 10m [option 2 = "01"] 21 010 10m [option 2 = "32"] 46 015 15m [option 2 = "01"] 47 015 15m [option 2 = "32"] 104 020 20m [option 2 = "01"] 73 020 20m [option 2 = "32"] 161 025 25m [option 2 = "01"] 100 025 25m [option 2 = "32"] 219 030 30m [option 2 = "01"] 124 30m [option 2 = "32"] 276 035 35m [option 2 = "01"] 151 035 35m [option 2 = "32"] 2013-11-25 K-KAB-T 334 030 040 40m [option 2 = "01"] 177 040 40m [option 2 = "32"] 391 203 045 45m [option 2 = "32"] 450 045 45m [option 2 = "01"] 507 Code Option 4: connector, socket (to the torque transducer) EUR 0 K-KAB-T - S017 S016 7 poles, 90° cable introduction 18 8 poles, straight cable introduction 0 S018 050 50m [option 2 = "32"] S015 7 poles, straight cable introduction 4-19 2013-11-25 Reference Price List 2014 - Torque transducers T10FH Accessories 5 2013-11-14 K-WA... 5-1 5-2 Reference Price List 2014 - Displacement transducers Table of contents Inductive displacement transducers Inductive displacement transducers Displacement transducers WA... / WETA... / WI... / W1ELA... Order no. TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) installation (for WA only) see chapter 6 D-MONT #) 0 ... 2mm (±1mm) 0 ... 2mm (±1mm) 0 ... 10mm (±5mm) Type Order no. EUR Measuring range Sensitivity ±10mV/V, half bridge 0 ... 50mm 0 ... 100mm Type 0 ... 200mm Measuring range EUR 330 0 ... 10mm (±5mm) 355 0 ... 300mm - - - - 0 ... 500mm 1-WETA1/2MM - Probe versions with 8 mm clamping shaft and 3m permanently mounted cable, IP 67, stainless WI 1-WI/10MM-T 668 307 Sensitivity 80mV/V, half bridge, compact design Order no. 0 ... 5mm (±2.5mm) WA... / WETA... / WI... / W1ELA... Probe versions with 8mm clampling shaft acc. to dial gage standard with 2m-long permanently mounted PUR cable and 15-pin D connector with integral balancing circuit on output ^) Will be available for limited time only, do not use for new products! ^) 457 ^) Version WA Standard displacement transducers, immediately available Type Probe version WA Plunger version WA 5-1 2013-11-14 Reference Price List 2014 - Displacement transducers Inductive displacement transducers Sensitivity: ±80mV/V, half bridge Type Measuring range 2mm (±1mm) W1ELA/0 class 0.2, plunger, stranded wire connection 320 Order no. W1ELA/0-2 1-WETA1/10MM WI Miniature displacement transducer WS/ZB12 Mounting kit, 12mm mounting block, fit for WA, max. 80°C 1-WI/2MM-T 1-WI/5MM-T W1ELA/0 Displacement sensor 1-W1ELA/0-2 EUR Accessories for displacement transducers 1-WZB8 30 1-WS/ZB12 Type 631 EUR 631 631 1-WA/50MM-T 1-WA/100MM-T 1-WA/50MM-L 1-WA/100MM-L 631 631 Measuring range 1-WA/2MM-T 1-WA/10MM-T 1-WA/20MM-T Order no. 0 ... 2mm 0 ... 10mm 0 ... 20mm - 1-WA/200MM-L 536 510 510 510 510 567 EUR 1-WA/300MM-L 1-WA/500MM-L 1-WA/20MM-L WETA1 WETA Displacement probe ^) 605 1-WA/10MM-L 510 Order no. 1-WA/2MM-L EUR Connector fitting #) (DSub 15-pin; DSubHD 15-pin; MS plug 7-pin) #) see chapter 12 Connector fitting and TEDS installation EUR 14 WZB8 Mounting kit, 8mm mounting block + tool Order no. - - - - - - - - m - m 240 240 EUR EUR 114 5-2 K-WA... Reference Price List 2014 - Displacement transducers Inductive displacement transducers 2013-11-14 [ only with Option 7 = 8 ] MS3106PEMV plug [ only with Option 4 = K_ EUR 141 Lemo plug connection, straight outlet, IP54 Lemo plug connection, 90°, IP54 permanently mounted cable, 90°, IP67 Option 3: Connection type Lemo connector 151 permanently mounted cable with straight outlet, IP67 M20x1.5, Lemo plug connection, IP54 EUR 40 199 40 0 EUR 050W 31S Code 32K 31K 33K 0...50mm M20x1.5, pressure resistant, permanently mounted cable with straight outlet, IP67 [ only with Option 4 = K_ ] [ only with Option 4 = S_ ] 020W Code Plunger, high-temperature version -25°C...+150°C Displacement probe, high-temperature version -25°C...+150°C 200W 0...20mm 300W 0 EUR Code 28 0...500mm 96 0 58 [ only with Option 1 = L / M ] Code L 0...10mm [ only with Option 6 = 2 ] 0...200mm EUR 0 T 119 U WA, optional versions [ !!! ] Order no. K-WA EUR 510 Special cable length between WA-Electronics and evaluation device 3) Special cable length at transducer 1) 2) Special cable length possible between WA-Electronic and evaluation device, please specify desired cable length >3 ... 50m (price on request) [ only with Option 6 = 2 ] 2 K-WA 176 0.5 ... 10V WA-Electronic PVC cable to the evaluation device, length 3m 3) 8 0.2% 0.1% Code 0 ... 80mV/V (full or half bridge connection possible) Option 7: Output 0 ±40mV/V with Option 2 = 002W 0 115 EUR [ not with Option 2 = 010W / not with Option 7 = 2 ] K4 max. 150°C, permanently mounted PTFE cable, 3m S4 K3 max. 150°C, permanently mounted PTFE cable, length as required (>3 ... 20m) 1), price for 10m 2) S3 max. 150°C, Lemo connector, PTFE cable, length 3m max. 150°C, Lemo connector, PTFE cable, length as required (>3 ... 20m), price for 10m 2) 192 0 139 0 30 EUR 174 EUR 0 114 Code 1) S2 K2 1) M1 F1 EUR 0 D2 D1 38 82 + Option 7 = 8 ] 79 Lemo connector, PVC cable, length 3m Option 4: High and low temperature version [ only with Option 1 = M / U / X ] 010W Option 4: Standard version [ only with Option 1 = L / M ] Code 33S 32S [ only with Option 1 = L / M ] 002W Code Code K1 S1 Option 3: Connection type permanently mounted cable permanently mounted PVC cable, length 3m permanently mounted PVC cable, length as required (>3 ... 300m) 1), price for 20m 2) Lemo connector, PVC cable, length as required (>3 ... 300m) 1), price for 20m 2) [ only with Option 1 = L / T ] 1 Option 5: Cable ends free ends 15-pin D plug with integrated TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) 15-pin D plug Option 6: Linearity deviation [ only with Option 7 = 8 ] 2 Code Highlighted options are standard versions (see page 5-1) and are immediately available from stock. 1) 2) 3) with Option 7 = 2 (WA-Electronic): special cable length at transducer >=3m...20m Please specify desired cable length (price on request) [ !!! ]: Not all options can be combined with each other. Please take heed of the terms in the square brackets! X Displacement probe, low-temperature version -40°C...+125°C 0 Option 2: Measuring range 100W 0...100mm Option 2: Measuring range 0...300mm 0 0 500W 0...2mm Option 1: Version Option 1: Version Plunger, standard version Displacement probe, standard version M Code 5-3 2013-11-14 Reference Price List 2014 - Displacement transducers 6-4 TEDS Overview 6-3 6-2 TEDS 6-1 Transducer Identification T-ID (Strain gage identification for experimental stress analysis) T-ID 6 2013-11-14 Reference Price List 2014 - Transducer Identification Table of contents TEDS / TEDSdongle TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) If ordered to complete customer's HBM transducer (retrofitting) 1) D-TEDS/MONT-HD15/K 125 (15-pin D-SUB plug) Integrated HBM TEDS module (board with TEDS microchip and a smart circuit). TEDS can also be used in combination with a standard extension cable. TEDS, ready mounted in transducer plug Order no. EUR incl. the writing of transducer data into the TEDS memory Order for customer's third-party transducer (retrofitting) 1) on request (15-pin High-Density D-SUB plug for devices of the QuantumX family) Integrated TEDS microchip. TEDS cannot be used in combination with a standard extension cable. Order no. EUR If ordered together with a new HBM transducer D-TEDS/MONT-HD15 100 1) To order, please send in transducer and enclose a copy of the test report plus the latest calibration certificate, if available D-TEDS/MONT-DB/K Order no. EUR If ordered to complete customer's HBM transducer (retrofitting) 1) If ordered together with a new HBM transducer (cable ? 5 mm ... 6.5 mm) D-TEDS/MONT-K5 165 Order for customer's third-party transducer (retrofitting) 1) TEDS-capable amplifier Transducer with TEDS module Standard measurement cable TEDS, ready mounted (factory-made or retrofitting by HBM in the Darmstadt factory) TEDS is the acronym for Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, i. e. essential characteristics are stored in the transducer itself. Amplifiers equipped appropriately can read this data and automatically convert it to the correct settings so that measurement can start immediately and with the correct units, without the user having to interfere. A microchip providing the amplifier with a unique identification number (ID) and all major transducer characteristics is the core of the TEDS transducer identification concept. HBM's TEDS module comprises the chip and, in addition, a smart circuit (HBM circuit, also called "zero wire" circuit) that enables the same cable leads to be used for transmitting the digital TEDS information and subsequently transmitting the analog measurement **. Transducers that do not already have TEDS integrated in their housing can be retrofitted by integrating the TEDS module into the connector or into the cable. It is prerequisite for retrofitting that the cable is permanently connected to the transducer; it must not be connected via a plug connector. The transducers can be used with conventional amplifiers without any restriction, however, TEDS cannot be used in this case. TEDS 2013-11-14 Reference Price List 2014 - Transducer Identification TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) 6-1 If ordered together with a new HBM transducer (cable ? 3 mm ... 5 mm) D-TEDS/MONT-K3 165 D-TEDS/MONT-DB 112 137 If ordered together with a new HBM transducer TEDS, ready mounted in transducer cable, non-crush enclosure on request TEDS, ready mounted in transducer plug >>> QuantumX family !!! <Software >TEDS Software for convenient administration and storage of TEDS data sets in TEDS modules or on a PC. Runs under Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7. PX401, PX450, PX460 ****) DF30CAN, DF30DN, DF30DP, DF31CAN, DF31DN, DF31DP PMX Measurement amplifier PME Measurement electronics MP85A, MP85ADP, MP85A-S, MP85ADP-S Compressive force transducers *) Two separate TEDS: 1st for ** of nominal force; 2nd for 20% of nominal force Tensile / compressive force transducers U93 (see chapter 4) integrated inside the transducer (standard) in Sub-D / Sub-HD connector or in cable ? 5 mm ... 6.5 mm Type integrated inside the transducer (standard) integrated inside the transducer (standard) U10M, U10S, U15 Pressure transducers Type Pressure transmitters Type P3MB 1), P8AP P2V (see chapter 3) P3TCP, P3IC, P3ICP Force transfer standards Strain transducers Pressure transducers Z4A, TOP-Z4A Z30A, TOP-Z30A DD1 Two separate TEDS: 1st for torque (frequency or voltage output at choice); 2nd for speed or angle of rotation at choice Only for versions with permanently mounted cable ! T12 ***) in Sub-D / Sub-HD connector or in cable ? 3 mm ... 5 mm (see chapter 5) The list also includes amplifier components for those transducer types that are not fitted with TEDS by HBM (at present). The reason for this is that there is a manufacturer-independent standard for the TEDS data format and TEDS data protocol. CANHEAD? Base module MGCplus Amplifier modules in Sub-D / Sub-HD connector or in cable ? 5 mm ... 6.5 mm MGCplus Connection boards ML01B, ML10B, ML30B, ML35B, ML38B, ML50B
    欢迎来到南通曼冷克林贸易发展有限公司网站, 具体地址是江苏省南通海安县宁海南路269号,联系人是袁伟岸。 主要经营我司是一家专业经营欧洲进口工业备件的企业,拥有着*的技术经验,公司一贯执行产品质量保证、精益求精、专业打造世界*的技术,是各大客商共同的选择,我们将竭诚为您服务!。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!